Business and Community Directory

Green Island Boutique Pharmacy

Mon - Fri 9am - 5.30pm
Sat 10am - 12pm
Closed Sunday

We are a locally owned and operated Pharmacy in the heart of Green Island.
Both our Pharmacists Shweta and Hayley are locally trained from the University of Otago and have a passion for serving our wonderful community. Our Pharmacists have over 10 years of work experience as registered Pharmacists.

Both Shweta and Hayley are mums to young kids and have always had a passion for opening a family friendly and patient focused Pharmacy.

We aim to provide the greater Green Island community with personalised and excellent service from the moment we open our doors every morning.

We are also very excited to be bringing to you a fabulous range of affordable and boutique gift items that are stocked exclusively in our Pharmacy!

If you are in the area please come in and say hi to our friendly team
Proudly brought to you by the Greater Green Island Community Network Charitable Trust