Wheako - Positive Youth Development

The Wheako Team

What does Wheako mean?

Wheako means learning through a shared experience - so the Wheako Initiative escapsulates the idea that we learn through relationships and having shared experiences together

What is Wheako doing and how did it start?

In 2022 The Greater Green Island Community Network (GGICN) approached the Greater Green Island schools with the offer of partnering and creating a response to need that might be present in each of the schools.

The intention is not to roll out a programme, but rather have a relational presence within schools and the community that can address need in a way which is appropriate to the young person, their family, the school, and the community in which they are situated. 

Wheako aims to holistically address the needs of Tamariki (children) and taiohi (youth) in the Greater Green Island area by strengthening connections across four key domains: schools, community, whānau, and the establishment of an intentional community space

In 2023 GGICN employed two youth-workers part-time to work on this project alongside the already established community workers. Wheako programmes were started in Concord School and Green Island school and have since expanded to multiple schools around the greater Green Island area.

In March 2024, the Otago Community Trust announced a community funding grant of $644,859 for the Wheako.

"The Otago Community Trust is proud to support the Wheako Project and its comprehensive approach to empowering the youth of Greater Green Island," said Jemma Adams, CE of the Otago Community Trust.

"We believe this initiative will have a lasting, positive impact on the community."

This enabled GGICN to open a new youth-centered space in 4 Howden, Street Green Island and expand Wheako to more schools and youth

"The Wheako Project is an example of what can be achieved when our community, schools, and partners join forces with a shared vision," said Melanie McNatty of GGICN.

"Through our collaborative efforts and leveraging the strengths of our partners and communities, we are creating an enriching environment that enables every young person to grow, thrive, and unlock their full potential. The Wheako Project is a testament to our commitment to investing in the future of our youth and our community."

Wheako 2024 Update

It’s been an exciting and rewarding year for the Wheako team, and we’re thrilled to share what we’ve been up to. Two of our youth workers, Bri and Noah, have been working to connect and empower youth through our initiatives. This year, we’ve expanded our reach to three schools, actively engaging with over 150 young people each week.

Our presence in the schools is outside of the classroom. We’re there during school lunchtimes, building meaningful relationships and creating safe spaces for conversations and connection in the playground. These moments are the foundation of trust and understanding, which help our programmes thrive. Speaking of programmes, we’re proud to be running five initiatives across the three schools.

Here’s a glimpse:

Concord Gardening Project: Students are getting their hands dirty in the garden, learning about sustainability, teamwork, and the joy of growing and making their own food.

Youth Leadership Programmes: We’re fostering future leaders by helping students develop skills in communication, decision-making, and confidence as they help run programmes for junior students.

Teamwork Development Skills: Collaboration is key, and these sessions focus on building trust, problem-solving, and working effectively as a team.

Through these initiatives, we aim to provide opportunities for growth, leadership, and creativity, ensuring each young person feels supported and valued. We couldn’t do this without the support of our schools, communities, and partners. Thank you for being part of the Wheako journey

- The Wheako Team